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Exercise Hacks Ep. 4 - The Dumbbell Press

[embed][/embed] In this video, we discuss the dumbbell press and how the position of the wrist impacts pressing strength and shoulder stability. Wrist position is often overlooked during the dumbbell press but is a critical part of ideal mechanics. The wrist should maintain a neu...

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Exercise Hacks Ep. 6 - Deadlift Variations for a Functional Core

In this video we discuss two deadlift variations that will build rock solid functional core strength - the suitcase deadlift and pitchfork deadlift.The suitcase deadlift and pitchfork deadlift are two deadlift variations that will expose energy leaks and strength imbalances real quick. Building a functional core often requires unconventional method...

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Exercise Hacks Ep. 8 - Breathing and Bracing

[embed][/embed]Ideal movement and optimal strength development first begins with using the diaphragm as the primary muscle for respiration and for Intra-abdominal Pressure (IAP) or what is also known as the abdominal brace.A frequent piece of feedback we receive at GP is that much of what we coach is the o...

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Is There Value in Your Treatment or Training?

The combination of chiropractic/manual therapy and massage therapy paired with smart training can make a profound impact on any musculoskeletal condition you may be dealing with. There's tremendous value in care and training that focuses on the goals and outcomes you care about. You place a value on your health or performance and you should receive...

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Exercise Hacks Ep. 11 - Function Based Core Training

Two common sites for pain and movement problems are the low back and sacroiliac (SI) joints. The SI joints are a common site for sensitivity due to biomechanical overload.Once we have screened for sensitivities, pain generators and movement dysfunction, the presence of SI joint dysfunction is often found along with poor abdominal sling function. Ch...

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The Essentials of Hamstring Rehab

This video highlights the hamstring rehab with Carter Henderson. Carter was a standout linebacker at Duquesne University, leading the team in tackles the last two seasons. Now he is in preparation for an NFL Pro Day. Carter came to GP for rehab of a hamstring pull 12 days out from his Pro Day. His initial 5 days focused on manual therapy, eleetromu...

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Exercise Hacks Ep. 13 - Pressing Alternatives for Painful Shoulders

Outside of low back pain, shoulder pain is one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal complaints. For avid exercisers and athletes, shoulder pain is something most are familiar with, especially when it comes to horizontal pressing movements.The most popular of the horizontal pressing movements being the barbell bench press. Bench press often enough,...

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Pain Indicates a Health Problem, Not a Fitness Problem

As Gray Cook says, pain indicates a health problem not a fitness problem. In rehab, we deal with pain and dysfunction. In exercise and training, we deal with dysfunction. Pain and health problems should be managed by a licensed professional with appropriate training.Exercising in pain is not the solution and you should seek proper guidance on how t...

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Fitness Is Not Sports Performance

One of the biggest challenges plaguing sports performance is the prevalence of general fitness programs masked as "sports performance" programs.Sadly the concept of sports performance has become so polluted that most parents and young athletes buy into programs that ultimately are just heavily fitness-focused with very little or poor instruction in...

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Exercise That Improves Performance Also Reduces Injury Risk

There's a major flaw in the fitness industry - the ignorance of movement quality at the expense of fitness goals.How far can you run? How fast can you complete this workout? How much can you lift? How many reps can you do? How hard are you willing to push yourself?What fitness has driven us to believe is that these are the true measures of progress...

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Finding A Solution Requires Not Being Part of the Problem

There are many examples of things we just assume to be true for long periods of time that aren't true at all. The perpetuation of this group think is a real problem.This is especially true when it comes to the industries of nutrition, health care, and fitness. Here's some examples:Dietary cholesterol has no impact on blood cholesterol levels. There...

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Exercise Hacks Ep. 15 - Fix Tight Hips & Improve Athleticism with Lateral Movement

A common reason for low back pain, hip pain, knee pain is poor functioning hips. What happens to poor functioning hips? They usually get tight. This tightness leads to reduced range of motion and increased likelihood of back, hip, and/or knee pain. Likewise, a common reason for reduced athletic potential is poor functioning hips. The hip complex is...

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